About Us

Sector 122, NOIDA is the state-of-art planned sector, carved into four Blocks, A, B, C, D on the pattern of Connaught Circus; having a picturesque and pleasing Central Park; dividing the sector the with the fork of roads . The sector is having locational advantage as Faridabad-NOIDA-Gaziabad (FNG) road is crossing by the side as well as Metro station is planned at Sector 122. As the sector is having sky rise apartment all over giving a look of island to Sector 122.

RWA, Sector 122, is a registered (Regd. N0326/11-12) body under the Societies Act of 1860, came in to being in the year 2011 with the purpose to raise the common civic problems of the residents and to create, foster and promote feelings of fraternity and kinsman ship, and to strengthen social bonds, in general and through cooperative efforts, in particular

  • Passion:We are passionate about Sector 122 and will strive to make it a better place.
  • Determined: We are determined that the special character of Sector 122 be maintained and enhanced.
  • Neutrality: We aim to serve and help the community in a voluntary nonparty political way.
  • Integrity: We pledge that all activities for betterment of Sector 122 be conducted with utmost fairness and transparency.
  • Solidarity:We want to live in Vibrant, Livable, healthy, Supportive and socially connected Neighborhood.
  • Openness:We will be open and approachable to all residents with equality.


  1. RWA facilitates Residents in making the right connections to resolve issues (involving Planning, Transport, Roads, Security, safety, water, electricity, Health and Wellbeing, unauthorized commercialization, Caring for Animals, Crime reduction, Education, social events and our Environment).
  2. RWA reaches out to Residents through several vehicles (in person, Website, Mobile App, social media, sub committees & Newsletters).
  3. RWA represents of all residents, Senior citizens, children and adults of all ages.


  1. To connect with all Residents in Sector 122.
  2. To be the voice of all residents without any biases
  3. To understand all Residents' needs through regular engagement & Digital Medium with our members and other community groups.
  4. To enhance the relationship between RWA and local government bodies. To ensure we maximize their contribution towards Sector 122.

All and every member of the Sector 122:

  1. Shall have one vote at every meeting.
  2. Shall be entitled to participate in the meeting and religious / cultural function and other lawful gathering called / arranged by the society.
  3. Shall have right to inspect the books of accounts, minute of proceeding of the general meeting and the register of members of RWA on any working day during business hours by giving reasonable notice.
  4. Shall be bound by the rules and regulations and or bye - laws which may be framed from time to time.
  5. Shall make his / her activities to promote / develop the aims and objects of the RWA.
  6. To attend the general body meeting as and when called.
  7. To give the necessary information's to the RWA pertaining to any matter, which is necessary to be known by the RWA.
  8. Anyone plot holder can apply for the membership of the RWA who is interested to work for the development and maintenance of the society and also gives consent to the laws, terms of the RWA without any discrimination of the caste or religion.